Put a Hippo On It
Portland OR
September 12-14, 2014

Contest closed -- Tee ordering info coming soon...

2014 T-shirt Contest


Entry Deadline - March 28, 2014

Hello Hippolotofus!

It's time for us to get busy organizing the Fifteenth Annual Hippolotofus Reunion T-shirt Contest!

As you know...t-shirt artwork designs are traditionally submitted by our members and related parties. We post all entries to a Web page, and then members vote for the best design. The winning design will be used on our official 2014 Reunion T-shirt.

This year's shirt theme is: "Put a Hippo On It". The Reunion will be in Portland OR Sept 12-14 2014.

Please submit any/all entries by emailing them--with "T-shirt contest" in subject line of email. They will (hopefully) be added to the web site within a couple of days. The deadline for entries is March 28. No late entries can be accepted.

On March 29, we will start the Polls. The winner will get a free t-shirt, and the pride of seeing their design printed on approximately one hundred Club t-shirts.

Tips on designing your shirt:

bulletPlease submit an original design.
bulletPlease do not use copyrighted material.
bulletDo not use any clip-art found on the web.
bulletLimit color usage to no more than 7 colors. They are being screen-printed, and that is the limit of the printer.
bulletYou don't have to add text to the design
(we can add the year & titles if needed).
bulletNo limit on number of entries.
bulletYou can submit entries regardless of whether or not you'll be attending the convention.
bulletHave fun with it.

The printer this year has added some artwork requirements:  They require customer supplied artwork and/or logos be supplied in Vector Formats (Adobe Illustrator or Illustrator with text converted to outlines) or in Full Size HIGH resolution Photoshop or JPG Formats of at least 300 dpi (at full size ours would be 13 inches/actual size).


The contributor's name will be posted next to each entry/image, unless you request anonymity. They will be numbered in the order received.


T-shirt orders: FAQ . . .

bulletAnyone can order a t-shirt, not just convention attendees.
bulletYou can order as many as you want.
bulletOrders will NOT be taken until the design & selection phase is over.
bulletThere will be plenty of time to place orders when we are ready to take them, However, once it's closed, it's closed. No more orders accepted, no extra t-shirts available.


Some of our past designs . . .

Hippos.com T-Shirt

This is not an official Reunion T-shirt; this was a project by Cathy Raphael to create a t-shirt that had our web site address on it. Designed & coordinated by Cathy, in June 2001

She also had tote bags made at the same time to match